This time of year always feels sort of overwhelming and crazy. I so love my flowers and yard and love to work there, but when the need seems so big in May, my energy seems so small, as I'm trying to keep 25 kids entertained and learning, while also getting ready to close up a classroom and my yard being completely grown over with weeds. Add lots of rain and warm weather, yep, overwhelming.
I spent about four hours this morning doing some damage to the creeper crappy charlie weed. It is so easy to just see the places I've yet to free from its grip. I have always really been awestruck at God's creativity right in my own yard. I kept trying to focus on the all the beauty around every corner, and remind myself in just nine days I'll have some more time.
How pleased am I to see the fairies are already dancing in the garden. Monday we'll meet with our preschool and pre-k reading buddies the last time. I'll read fairy books to them and share a baggie of sand from a magical fairy island. When I put the magic potion in, it will be a sweet treat to eat by dipping a fairy sucker in it.
After a break, I picked the above flowers along with some lettuce for supper. Wilted lettuce salad and cornbread always bring my own mama to mind. Oh my, she would've loved that meal and to sit on the porch and see the flowers and watch the chickens. Glenda loved all living things and Kaye loved roses.
I was so blessed to have one Big Mama and four sister Mamas. Sisters have been my life long gift and I treasure my Susie and Tish that are still here and the ones who have gone on.
Happy Mother's Day to all!
Teresa is still with us, right?!?