Saturday, June 5, 2021

Indigo Dying 2

So more practice for my Nature Art Camp coming up in a couple of weeks with these cuties.

Tying things up.

It was day to visit school and show Lilli and Annabelle around campus and give a general idea about how camp will go.

I am a big daydreamer. My number one daydream has been to have my own school, where as much time and energy was spent on handcrafts, art and music and creating as typical academics.  Always, a huge part of the dream was Gramerlings being my helpers.  So, it isn't my own school, but it is a camp of my own creating and having their help is a big deal for me. I love how interested they are in what the kids are like, how to be a help and great ideas for things I didn't think of. 

I finally got to meet Ol' Mother Hubbard's new gigantic puppy. Handsome pants.  Sam was devastated that he didn't get to come out and play. Maybe next time.

I love summer for a lot of reasons. One is planting and watching and growing things old and new.  I first saw this tree at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.  It is a European Tricolor Beech. It has lots of space and doesn't grow too big. This tree has so much more color than anyone I've ever seen. It looks like it is in bloom all the time. 

I loved watching the woodpecker and reddest red cardinal flitting about the feeder. 

I enjoy having folks for dinner and meeting others for lunch.  And though I'm not known for being a hugger, I've especially enjoyed those hugs after the year we've all had.

And the morning to sit on the porch and look around, have my breakfast, a cup of coffee and enjoy the last of my roses and peonies while I study my Bible.  

These  things sustain me while I wrestle with grief and sadness over those who've gone on and things that are sad that I cannot control.
Thank the Lord for the sweet things. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, thank the Lord for so many sweet things, like that beautiful pup of Tiffany's! Oh my heart!!!
