Whoa, back to the land of the living. Last Sunday, which somehow seems like a long time ago, my day was full in a way it has not been for 15 months. I started at Ms. Glitzy's so long SMK affair at school. I had to hurry home to get to Louisville to see my Annabelle and Emmeline wow us in their roles as Mrs. Potts and the Wardrobe in Beauty and the Beast. Kudos to all for a job well done. I hate that I didn't get pictures in their adorable costumes.
Then it was off to a graduation for a former 5th grader of mine. Good times.
Monday kicked off camp. I do a math camp from 9 to 10:30, then reading from 10:30 to 12:30, for three weeks. This is my kind of teaching, where they are up and moving every few minutes with creek play interspersed. I love it for a host of other reasons. One, I love, love planning camps. I don't why. This camp has been in the works for months. I also love that my daughter, older Gramerlings and former students get on board to help out. Some of mine not old enough to help come as campers. Living the dream folks. Then the bonus. I usually bring some home with me, or they join for a special treat lunch date and maybe a trip to Michael's where we look and dream some more. I love the ideas and talents they bring to the table. What I don't like, worrying about weather and someone getting hurt, so lots of prayers going up for our little camp. After two weeks of rain, last week's sunny weather was a God sent blessing! And a week down without a scratch- praise the Good Lord!
The recipe was great for small things, but couldn't support itself to be a pot. This one got the notion of letting it dry on her knee. Great idea, didn't work, but nice try.