Sister SuZQ came to visit from Florida. I had her over Saturday evening and invited Uncle Jimi and Jake, as I knew she wanted to see Jimi. I decided, last minute, to also invite a good friend of his. I realized the birthday party we put off in March when we were all swept away in the tide of Covid, wasn't likely to happen anytime soon and I hoped it might lift Jimi's spirits. He was not his best self, but a far cry from his worst self.
Well, yesterday he fell and hit the table with his nose, and today was again unresponsive. It is interesting that every time it is that first dialysis after three days. He's back in the hospital and I'm left to guess that Covid wise, things must be worse, because this week we are back to no visitors. So I again feel like someone has me by the throat and won't let go. Each time, his ammonia level is higher- 16 to 60 is normal, his is 200.
Between sitting here, having no idea how he is or what they are doing, teaching a grade I've never taught and doing the Covid dance, well, well, well.
Oh Kimberly, you love so many & so much. God bless you & all those you love.