My little second graders are getting a workout in our little school garden. So far, we've managed to keep most of it alive.
A friend from school recently lost her Daddy. I know that struggle to return to the classroom when your broken heart is somewhere else. As I watered one night last week, I was spraying and sniping in the little garden bed I made with my Mama in mind. I was so surprised to see the rose bush blooming. Earlier in the summer that bush was fairly decimated by bugs and a fungus. I decided I'd make a little bouquet from the biggest bloom (which wasn't really very big) for my friend who loves a wild bouquet as much as I do. As I clipped and pondered, the song came to me and I begin to sing and weep, feeling very near my Mom in that little spot.
Consider the lillies, they don't toil nor spin, yet there is no King with more splendor than them,
Consider the sparrows, they don't reap or sow, but their heavenly Father is watching them grow.
We have a heavenly Father above, with arms full of mercy and a heart full of love,
He really cares when your head is bowed low, Consider the lillies and then you will know.
Oh my, life.
I sort of despaired of ever getting any flowers from my garden, but slowly I am able now to share some with others, which always delights me.

So, our Blue Eyed Boy turned nine and wanted to fish, so Pap took him to his brother's lake. He caught a lot of fish and really enjoyed himself.
He ordered hot ham and cheese sandwiches and gummies for lunch. Done and done!
I took this Sunday off from preparing dinner as it was my school's big church picnic.
I hadn't been very available to Noella between Handy Man's medical crisis and my inflamed sciatica.
This week our little man turned three, so I picked them up and we went to church and then the picnic.
He's gotten so much more verbal.
Then it was off to play in the duck pond and other fun activities.
So, this week is the test that will tell us what Handy Man's heart repair accomplished.
He continues to do more bit by bit.
Another card came from a sweet friend this week. I've so appreciated the way we've been loved through this very rough bump in the road.
I'm getting caught up on your blog! Looks like so much fun!