Monday, July 15, 2019


Before I got the happy news about my license being good for ten years, I had already signed up for an online class.  I gave up procrastinating about such things after my first seventeen year old college experience, and when I find something that might teach me something new and interesting, I try to grab it.  I planned to take it at school where I could try out some of things I was learning and also opened it up to any teacher friends interested in the experience.  I didn't want to leave Handy Man for the day, without a ride or visitors, so he went to see his Mom and spend the day with his brother.
I spent the early part of the day preparing for company for supper.
Then I dropped him off and went to school, then back to finish up before company came.
It was strange. That is the longest separation we've had in quite some time.  Won't be long before it will be everyday.  Hopefully, he'll continue to have some visitors.
He enjoyed his visit. I sent the camera and told him he was again responsible for blog pictures.

I got a very late start on gardening this year, but I'm getting a few flowers now. Enough for a tiny centerpiece. 

 I love this potato dish. It seems so fancy.

We enjoyed dinner with friends.  I always have a lot of company in the summer, but this year has been above and beyond during this recovery time.  I will surely miss that when school starts.
Sunday was church and prowling the local garden store for bargains. I did find a plant for 75% off. 
Looks like we are in store for some rain, which will be okay with me.  Keeping what plants I have alive feels like a full time job, especially since I added the little school garden.
Today is library and checking in on Ceece's Mom, who is having surgery this morning.  I know she would appreciate your prayers.

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