Friday, April 26, 2019

So, the Insurance Circus Begins

We finally signed our walking papers about 11, but as they were wheeling Handy Man out the door, he was stopped with the news that Dr. Big Cat Daddy couldn't live without seeing him one last time. So we sat, till 2.  Earlier we'd been handed a co-pay card for a med. Not really knowing what that was about, I did as instructed and spent twenty minutes activating the card.  As soon as we were released, I drove directly to the pharmacy as that med should have been taken at three this afternoon.  Then the phone call from the pharmacy saying it wouldn't accept the card and it was denied by our primary insurance, to call the doctor.  Umm, which doctor?  Of course, she didn't know. So I called the number on the only little card I was given, but that is not the right doc, so I called the one they told me.  So here we are, doing what it appears we do best- waiting.
So, Handy Man came home with a life vest and the purpose of letting his kidney's rest, him rest, keep his blood pressure down and his heart rate.  He has me to dodge these bullets for him, make phone calls, deal with the absolute ridiculousness of our current state of insurance, but what about the people who don't, the frail and elderly, the single parents. It is shameful.  I barely got all of his electronics for the Life Vest out of the box and in their new home when the pharmacy called.  I surely hope someone finds the answers before the doctor's offices close.

Of course, them sending him home on a Friday afternoon to a SNAFU with the insurance, makes me wonder what is going to happen when they try and get and okay on the cardiac MRI.


Handy Man and Sam were sure glad to see each other. 
The wait and the ride home wore Handy Man out.

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