Monday, July 9, 2018

Crispy, Crunchy Yumminess

We have a couple of Korean restaurants in the area now and Handy Man and I particularly like one of them.  I love their Kimchi.  With that lovely experience in mind, I bought a jar at the Farmer's Market. Oh my, I didn't love it.  
Since I have my new garden bed, that I love just like I thought I would, I decided to use some of its bounty and make the snappy veggies myself. 

We have old, giant crocks, but after my Farmer's Market experience, I decided to go for small batches to start.
Handy Man gave me a wee crock for Easter.  
So, umm, how do you do it?  
Well, be prepared to wade through more recipes than you can imagine.  I found this site  and it sounded like ingredients I might like, so I decided to go with it.   Yesterday was the great unveiling.  First, I was very excited to just see liquid and no mold!
 Out came the veggies and I was even more excited to find them spicy, crunchy and delicious.  Wow, thanks Nourished Kitchen for a Kimchi hit!

 Ol' Mother Hubbard is finally camping out in her new digs in the country.  I was anxious to see the finished product, so came with dinner.  I wanted something a bit different for dessert.  I checked in with Smitten Kitchen and was quite intrigued by a citrusy cake that uses oil and doesn't require a mixer.  As stated in her recipe, if you use a shallow, bundt pan, you will have extra batter.  I didn't have a shallow bundt pan, but found one at a thrift shop that looks like it had never been used.  She was very right, so I poured the remaining batter in a loaf pan. I used grape seed oil and because the pan was black, I turned the temp back a bit and cooked it ten minutes longer.  It is a keeper.  One of the few cakes that is equally delicious warm or cold.  Add a bit of blueberry preserves and bit of cream for color and you have quite a dish!  It was well received by exhausted movers at the farm.

I love to find new, wonderful recipes and I am absolutely delighted by garden produce.  

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