Sunday, June 3, 2018

Many Hands, Light Work?

It sure doesn't feel like there was anything light about this renovation, but there sure were many hands, most pictured here  and in other pages, with exception to Toney, who gave great advice and installed the shower, and Andrea who listened to me wail and moan this past several months when this turned into a way bigger deal than I had thought. A million thanks one and all. Thankfully, the color and the extra pieces all came together to make the cutest room in the house.  Lord, I am so thankful for all of these precious hands and hearts!

I'm mostly ready for my camp tomorrow.  Handy Man  and I are about as tired as we've ever been.  Along with a pretty room, I have enjoyed the time spent with my family that just doesn't seem to happen normally.  Now let's have some summer.  Oh, and come by to pee at my house.


  1. It looks beautiful!!! It's a wonder what so many people can do when they put their minds and muscles to it!!! So glad it's done for your sake!!!
