Monday, September 19, 2016

You Say Tomato, I Say Heaven

Wow, the way to my birthday heart- heirloom tomatoes. When Aunt Tish presented me with this giant gift, that weighed a ton, I could not even imagine what was in it.  I was so surprised by a box of heirloom tomatoes. It has been a happy tomato fest in these parts as I eat them for breakfast, lunch and supper and hold to hope that before the box is gone, I'll be good and full of tomatoes and happy to wait until July for my next one.  That has never happened, so we'll see.

 Bean and Bugg visited for the weekend.  We went to see a movie, an animated flick based on Robinson Curuso.  The animation was terrific, but the story was lame.  Next we tried the new little pizza joint, Toppt's. I was not much impressed with it either, but enjoyed the time with the kidlets.

Say fish, and you'll see this big smile on Bean's face.  After church, he and Pap spent the afternoon at the pond.
 Missy Bugg had a game.
 She was  up for a free throw and I had the camera poised to capture the moment if the ball went in.  You know, I'm not small and I was on the first row, the aisle seat with this black box pressed to face in the middle of a game, for which I assume all the small audience was there to see.  Right when the ball goes in, a kid, probably fourteen or so, steps right in front of the camera. I mean inches from my face,  and I missed the whoosh.  I think that is the thing that generally just makes me crazy.  Simply going along with whatever is on your mind, and not worrying the least about how your actions affect someone else.
After the game, we headed out to visit Mom.  She was some better from last week, but still struggling with easy breathing.
It was a busy weekend. Hope it was a good one for you.


  1. When did Bean get so tall? Looks like he is almost as tall as Pap! Sorry you missed the shot -- sometimes people are just oblivious not to mention rude and inconsiderate!

  2. I don't know. Every time I see him it seems he's grown another inch.
