Saturday, December 5, 2015


Ah, tis the season. The season of running around like one of my chickie girls, oh my.  Raechel, with some help from the rest of us, had a yummy Thanksgiving meal. Our new  dish was cranberry salsa-deewishus.
Life, so unpredictable -joyous, sad.
Last time this year we were holding our breath that Jimi's second trip out of ICU to rehab would turn out better than the first.  I remember Giddy-Up's prayer for him, clearly answered as he walked in to Rae's under his own steam this year.

 Sad, that Michael's Grammy left  us soon after last  Thanksgiving.  A teary first Thanksgiving without her.
 Sad too, that Bean and Bugg and Ceece weren't with us.  Looks like Ceece and the Captain won't be doing holidays together anymore.  Divorce  is sad.
Those chicklets at Thanksgiving enjoyed making Christmas ornaments after filling up on goodies.

 Enjoyed seeing Michaels family.

 This picture made me laugh. I guess I've never tried to  hold both boys at the same time, but Mr. Smiley wasn't having it.  He's doing his best to hold  me tight while shoving at Giddy-Up with his body.  "Um, get off my Gramerly."
It was a big fun time.


  1. Looks like a wonderful gathering. You're right. Divorce is sad. It is sad for the 2 people involved, their children, the grandparents, the aunts and uncles and cousins. Hopefully the parents won't use the children as leverage. Not fun.
