I love Playdates, for reasons I've stated here numerous times. One thing though that's missing from Playdates is extended one on one time with individual Gramerlings. I feel that even more when school is in session. I try to be very on my game, but I still spend a good bit of Playdate evening fixing and serving supper. With the times the Captain has to be gone and Ceece having to photograph when people are off work I end up with lots of extra time with Bugg and Bean. Also, I have had several special Giddy-up only Playdates, as you can tell from them being featured most on the blog. The others, not so much.
With that in mind, I decided to invite them to a special date. Just one kidlet and two adults. I sent them an invitation with, oh, about fourteen choices, twelve with me and two with Pappy. Their job was to mark appropriate days, times and choice for supper, then to pick a few activities.
Well don't you know, those activities with Gramerly are old news. They've done crafts, nature walked, cooked and experimented with me since they were days old. Pappy, now that is another story. Fishing with Pap, and joy of joys, working in Pap's workshop, always off limits on Playdates, were the number one picks.
I knew we needed to get right on the dates, especially with the youngest ones, so last week we had three special dates. Hats off to Pappy who has worn his popularity well.
Buttercup got the first date.
Pappy picked her up after work and they headed to the lake.
One little fishy.
I had things ready to roll when she got back. She had ordered bean soup and cornbread for supper, so first she whipped up the corn muffins.
While they were baking, we headed out to do chores. She fed the chickens.
Next we gathered eggs.
She enjoyed her yummy corn muffins and soup.
After supper I asked her what she wanted to do next. She wanted to play in the tree fort, followed by some swing set fun. I reminded her that she also mentioned doing a craft and there might not be time for everything. She wisely suggested we do the art work outside. Great idea. We headed up to the tree fort and created some autumn art.
A fast evening, but time to head home. The question of the day was, "When is the next date?" With eleven dates on calendar, not very soon I'm afraid, but this one sure was fun!
Skipping past the next two dates which I will detail later for the archives, Pap and I ran away for the day Saturday. Today is birthday party and tomorrow(the actual day) is another date, so we celebrated our anniversary yesterday. Beautiful day, much enjoyed. How do you know anything really when you are twenty. Thankfully, I believed someone knew more than me when I said, "I do," to the Handy Man. Thirty-five years and there is no place I would rather have been yesterday then with him. Thank you Lord! I told him that the best gift he could have given me, was being so present for our Gramerly date nights- sweet.