Yesterday was our Veteran's Day program at school. It always makes me a little melancholy. As I've shared here before, it was a lot of work those 14 years me and my fourth or fifth graders pulled off that breakfast, along with the music teacher and each class sharing a sweet note for the veterans, and also attached to some hard memories. One year it was Kaye leaving this world just a couple of days before, then my kid in Afghanistan, then fixing the breakfast and heading out the door to my Mom for our last week together this side of heaven. Oh yeah, the food poisoning year, where I had to stir the gravy sitting on a stool because I still couldn't hold myself upright for long. Still, when I would see those young and old soldiers eyes swimming with tears at the heartfelt sweetness of the kids, and well, you know- gravy, biscuits and cinnamon rolls, it was so worth it.
We had to send a patriotic video during Covid. By the time that was over our little school was busting at seams and all joining together in the above gym, with soldiers marching in as we sang each military song in turn, was just no longer feasible. When the close, hometown feel of the day went, I did as well, and turned the program over to some folks younger than me, but I do miss it.
So, I'll say thank you to that talented, stubborn, patriotic boy of mine today who is now a 20 year veteran, and walk a little down memory lane.
The Captain's first time to meet his boy.
That was Conner Bean's patriotic beginning. But it has continued.
Here he was planning to make ornaments for all the soldiers in all the hospitals and Miss Lilli Bit was going to use ALL the glitter.
All wars were his childhood fascination. Here we're on a Civil War kick and staged an interactive game for his birthday Playdate.
The Captain would visit my classroom and try all his gear on some fascinated students.
Adam would make every Veteran's Day program he could and, of course, I was always proud to show him off.

That day though, the last time we saw him before he left for the Middle East, was surely gut wrenching.
No end to the praying, and I think I probably never drew an easy breath until he came home .
Most of my Veteran's Day pictures are on my school computer. The one at the top is the banner and boxes of fudge and goodies we sent to the Captain's Company when he was across the pond.
This was the Veteran's Day without him. Well, he was there in cardboard- ha.
I remember this gentleman, one of our last few WW11 vets. He just was so touched by it all and it was sweet.
Oh my, enough of this for today.
God Bless our Veterans.