Thursday, April 30, 2020

All the Pretty Colors

Jimi came home last evening.  An exact repeat of the week before, but let's pray that they actually nipped the big bleeder and that he gets a long break from hospitaling.  Thank you for your prayers.

Speaking of prayers, this was my reading yesterday-Timothy 2:2-4 New Living Translation (NLT) 2  Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3  This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4  who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.
It reminded me of how the Hobbit starts and I wonder if this influenced Tolkien, but also the importance of praying for those who make decisions that affect us all and I try to be mindful to do that.  I think about what it would really take to live a quiet life.  We are so bombarded on every side by opinions and actually discerning the facts takes more time and effort than I can summon, if it can even be done.
A sweet local doc is on fb today  explaining to us ridiculousness of gloves.  I know, people are ridiculous sometimes, but I wear gloves at the grocery.  Why, because the bleach wipes are such an irritant to my hands.  I put them on  highly moisturized hands when I walk in and shuck them off, not in the parking lot, but in the trash as I walk out.    
I also carry the bleach wipes and just lay them across the pushing bar on the cart. I pick up products with another wipe.  I've already had a cashier smart off to me about the ineffectiveness of my plan, not realizing I was using different wipes.  Who cares, right?  Well, when you feel the burden of being the bearer of a killer germ to your husband, or your brother, I care and I don't need her opinion.    
"Quiet lives marked by Godliness and dignity."  Wow, what a goal.
For the most part though, I've found folks at stores to be helpful and kind and I try to smile big through my mask and thank them for coming to work. 

I always love to feel l like I'm feeding my people nourishing food.  I roasted a big pan of root veggies, which we had as a side dish on Tuesday.  Yesterday I picked fresh lettuce that came up in my garden bed from last year's that I let go to seed.  I warmed the veggies, sprinkled goat cheese on top and made the dressing from my violet vinegar.  So yummy. 
 And then soup made with good bone broth from grass fed critters with more roasted veggies.
 Oh, and this, well- oatmeal, dark chocolate and cherries.  Not too bad.

Let's all continue to use wisdom to do the best we can in such trying times.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

One of Those Days

I try to do a few school videos on Sunday while Handy Man masks up and goes to visit his Mama. Videoing myself is still weird to me, and more so when he is here and can hear me talking to myself.  Today's did not go well, as the video would not load. I had to redo it and in the end over two and a half hours with one fifteen minute video done.  Boo Hiss.
I did get to hear beautiful worship music and a good message this morning. I'm glad someone's video was working.
It is raining, my head is hurting and I am very worried for my brother.
He had to return to the hospital and has received three pints of blood this weekend. He's in a room with no bathroom and no windows and no sister to hoof and fetch for him.  I think he's now had three bodies worth of blood poured in and out of him.  He will have another scope today, number six in three months. I am assuming the scope and work done last week did not work.  I am troubled at the lack of options.
Thankfully, it is our indispensable nurse Leesh's weekend work days, so she was able to see him, bring a snack and some love.  So. Grateful.
I made work packets for my school kiddos and you might know, one of the week's of math is missing for a student.  She lives close to the hospital, so I'm going to head there to deliver the papers, and then go sit in the hospital parking lot to pray.
I don't think my prayers work better there, it is just as close as I can get.  If you would join me in thought and prayer, he needs it, along with whoever is in that hospital and all those many hands trying to help.
I'll remember one of my favorite Psalms this Sunday- When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
I'll say a prayer to see the path to that rock.
Peace and love and appreciation to you.
 Update- after 4 scopes by four different docs a large ulcer was found and hopefully dealt with.  Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Welcome Bugs

I received an unexpected gift the last day we were in school. It came from grandparents whose child was new to our school.  I thought and thought about how to use that gift in the best way.  I believe it was sincerely sent as a thoughtful personal gift to me. I love our  second grade little garden spot that Handy Man and I entertained ourselves with through the drought and our summer staycation after his surgery last summer.  Then, those little sweaty messes I teach toted water for weeks and weeks and we enjoyed the flowers and butterflies.  Looks like I have some time to spend there again this year.  I wanted to spend locally, so I chose a place that teaches about insects and how to garden for hummingbirds, bees and butterflies.  I ordered the plants online from them. I got the call yesterday that my order was ready and went this noon to pick them up.
They are healthy and beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, another beautiful friendship also revolves around flowers and grandchildren and teaching.  When Rae and Drummer Boy were in third grade, I was the assistant in Mary Lynn's class and a lasting friendship was forged.  She also retired and has been the most amazing help to me.  She doesn't seem to tire of things that make me crazy and has the patience of Job to show the kids over and over how to weave, make a knot, a particular stitch and on and on.
I had not talked to her for a while and called after picking up the goods and told her I was headed to school to plant and she joined me.  I can't think of a better way to visit and keep your distance than gardening.
It was so beautiful out today and we got all of the new plants in and lots of leaves and trimmings out.
Before we finished, Gardner E came to walk and so we all had a good visit in the warm sunshine and breeze.  Even Thalia is following the social distancing order.

Now some Corona Chronicles, just for the sake of remembering.

Gee whiz, not only am I cranking out videos by the dozen, I even sang in one and now I'm taking a selfie.  It is frightening to think where else all this might lead.

I get the idea of wearing masks to protect other people from your germs.  I don't come near Uncle Jimi without being masked, but I don't really want your germs either, especially you who are not wearing a mask.  I have a lot of essential oils, so I looked up anti-viral oils and mixed the ones I had in alcohol to spray my mask, or my hands or anything I feel might be compromised.
I 'm all for, if it doesn't hurt and might help, do it.

Thanks to our village mask maker Ceece.  I chose this one because I thought it was books. Umm, it is fishing lures.  Well.

I was thinking about what I miss the most about this quarantine.  I miss Sunday Playdates a lot.  I miss meeting a friend girl for a walk or dinner. I miss my classroom, a lot.  Mostly though I miss all the things I did before without fear. 
 I miss not feeling guilty.
A long time ago I was ordering stuff from Amazon for Playdates I think, and remembered it was time to clean  Cluckingham Palace, so I looked at masks and ordered a box.  I completely forgot about them.  I was looking on the back porch for a box for food transport.  I try to save a few boxes and stick them somewhere before Handy Man pitches them, cause they are great for bread or other food packages. I spied one and grabbed it up, realized, umm this is full of something- face masks.  What?  Guilt, because I have something so many people need and want.  It mattered not that I am the transport person for a very medically vulnerable person, still guilt.  
Then when I feel as low as a snake's belly like yesterday when it rained all day long, I feel guilty because what do I really have to be blue about.
I went to the big Kroger yesterday.  I needed  wanted a couple of things I don't always find at the smaller ones.  I didn't even go in toilet paper aisle, because if there was toilet paper, I would have bought it- just in case.  People were pretty good about minding there closeness, except for the blue squares. If you stand on your blue square while the person checking out is on there's, then people just walk right between you.  Wow.
I feel horrified that there has been an outbreak in our county at a retirement community and most of our county losses have been from there.  I could just weep for those elderly people and those who love them.
But then I wonder, why have so many of us gotten behind this, done what needed doing to hopefully put a stop to the dying, when the pandemic of starving people in the world never gets this attention though it is real and  the numbers are ginormous. 
I feel quilty because shouldn't I have had every nook and cranny spotless by now?  Well, in case you haven't guessed, it ain't and ain't looking none too likely anytime soon.
I feel sick because once again as I am finishing this up I got a phone call that Uncle Jimi is headed back to the hospital he just left on Wednesday.  I am afraid, because I know the source of the problem cannot be fixed. I can't be there to weigh options with him and to give him comfort, which is what I want most to do.
Lord have mercy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Food for the Eyes

I have long said it is not good for me to have too much thinking time.  I was right about that.
But thinking time can be good too.
 I was making rounds with food for my vulnerable people and Gardner E. was one of my stops.
I am not exactly sure how we became such good friends, but food probably did play into it. When I was an instructional assistant and PTO participant, thirty years ago, I did feed the teachers a lot.  You add our love of flowers and plants, pooches and teaching, good books and art, and it results in a happy friendship.  She retired and not long after I began as a classroom teacher.  She has been faithful to come and do art with my kids, and bring first Fiona and now Thalia along.  She has also been faithful in loving my own kids and agreeing with me that I have the smartest, cutest gramerlings on the planet.
Today I toured her woodland garden.  What a perfect day to visit with all these beauties.  I thought perhaps other flower lovers might enjoy strolling along. You can click on the pictures and see them larger.                Good medicine.

Woodland Phlox


Hartlege Wine Calycanthus (sweet shrub)


Candy Tuft

Georgia Blue Veronica

Wild Columbine

Dwarf Wild Fern


Star of Bethlehem

Royal Purple Cotinus

Prayer Flag

Dwarf Peony

Wild Larkspur

Epimedium Bandit

Wild Geranium 

Japanese Primrose

Dwarf Peony 

Wild Larkspur

Wild Iris 

White Virginia Bluebells

Goat Dandelion

Scent and Sensibility Lilac

Creeping Woodland Phlox

Wild Geranium


Anemone Nemrose Viridiflorum

Pussy Toes

English Bluebells Scilla

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Black-eyed Peas

 Shopping in the pantry yesterday, pondering what to fix, I found some baked beans, then a can of black-eyed peas.  In some long ago time I had everything in said pantry sorted according to type of food.  It made me think of how we bring in every New Year's in our family with cabbage and black-eyed peas for good luck.  It occurred to me that perhaps not quite enough  cabbage and peas were consumed in the New Year, so I threw them in the cast iron skillet to burbble and boil with the typical bean.  Interesting, they were not noticeable, none of that typical dirt taste.

I have been checking our bluebird box at school.  I miss sharing that with my littles, so I photograph and share on their blog.
Mrs. Bluebird is undeterred by Corona.
It is kind of grounding in such times to see so many cycles of life going right on.

Today my kids are picking up their last packet of the year, with five weeks worth of work inside.  E-learning is like classroom learning,in that what works for one doesn't work for another.  Some love the videos and want more, some don't.  Some want more work, some less. I just want them gathered round my feet and seeing their face and not mine when I teach.

You think I'd be used to being jerked out of my norm and set on a new road.
For me, this has been a hard week.  Lots of memories floating about of last year's big jerk out of normal.  Today is the anniversary of this Saturday last year-after a night in the hospital and thinking we'd get new meds and go home, the cardiologist dropped the bomb that Handy Man's heart might be irreparably broken.  What?  They fix people's hearts constantly, like getting a root canal. Actually some  of my dental work might take longer than some heart work.  
It was a long and challenging summer of waiting and praying, so many joining with me and the outcome of a miracle.  Still, this virus doesn't appear to be going anywhere and he would be a person that is not a good candidate for it coming for a visit.
I think a lot about all the people waiting.  If I was gone from the hospital for more than an hour I was in a full blown panic.  I just can hardly bear those poor folks who can't even hold a hand.
I have it on good authority that the staff really makes an effort to be close at hand and do all the comfort they can when the end comes.  Bless all their hands and hearts.
So, not a very uplifting post huh?
And, I just got a call. I knew Jimi's blood was dropping again, but it has dropped 3 units in three days and is now again in the danger zone. Prayers please as he's headed to the hospital, so guess I get to find out about that waiting. Lord have mercy.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Corona Style

Those Playdaters grow up into some beautiful people.  Our first Playdate helper grew up to be a minister and I really enjoyed watching her  Easter service this morning.  I felt like I had been to church.

I've always felt like I really should be celebrating Jesus' birth and resurrection every day, try anyway to keep that in my heart, but I've always made the actual calendar days a big deal.  
How to do that this year?
I made  a vat of dumplings, some bread, hummus from scratch and the traditional coconut and lemon tarts. I gloved up to fill eggs. We had drive-by Easter and everyone signed up for a time.  

 A care package to go.

I missed a picture of Aunt Tish and Jordan and Lucas and also Gardner E., also, the masked Handy Man delivered treats to his Mom and family as well, so here are some pictures of Easter past.

And this little missy who celebrated 8 years  on Monday.

 And this little booger who turns nine on Wednesday. What?  How can that be?

Ol' Mother Hubbard did a drive by on Friday.  I know we all have to do what we have to do, but I surely do love to see them, even if it is six feet away.
It was a bit chilly, so I started a fire and we roasted marshmallows.  We talked gardens and Ol' Henry and I walked around and he pointed to things he wanted and we dug them up.  He left with abelia, quince, mountain mint, peppermint and peonies.   The girls adorned themselves with wildflowers while Baby Boy took apart the water pump, played with the chickens and bunnies and shared with me about books he's read.   A great afternoon.

With all that has changed, the significance of this day has remained the same through the ages. Praise be!