Sunday, September 30, 2018

Wow, 90 Years Old

Today we celebrated Mom's birthday.  Sue brought her dress a few weeks ago and she was so excited to get to wear it today.  She so loved seeing everyone.  I want to put the pictures here for all who want to see, but some of them of Mom aren't the best.  She can no longer tell who you are until you are a few inches from her face. In half the pictures she looks surprised, and in others frightened. She wasn't scared, just so you know.
Aunt Tish brought a bucket of beautiful flowers from her yard, so we put together lots of pretty bouquets that Mom loves. Tish, Suzi-Q and I had it quite dolled up, with Stephen being our right hand.
And here is the Queen Bee.

Mom, as well as the rest of us, have been blessed with the tender care of Mom's helper.  She's there most ever day to help her with anything she needs.

Sweet cousins came from near and far.

 This a  friend of hers who comes most every day and sings hymns with her.
 Another cousin.

I love this. I asked the blessing and she hopped on the end to pray for everyone too. 
When she lived with Glenda, Glenda would tuck her in and they would pray together each evening.  I never leave that she doesn't pray me home.  She's been many things, but praying ranks right up there at the top of the legacy of love she's shared these many years. 

 Aunt Suzi-Q and about a quarter of her people.
 These were the first four grands.  Now we don't even know how many there are.
 Pete wasn't quite up to the festivities, but his little group was here.
 Miss Danita, our sweet friend of many years.

 Saying, "Hello," to a sweet little great, great grandbaby.

Our sweet Teresa and Maria.  Teresa comes to the apartment to cut Mom's hair. Bless her heart. 

 The surprise of the day, a beloved nephew from Idaho.  This is my Uncle Hobart's boy Bill.  She was so surprised and thrilled.

 More loving friends.
 Gee whiz, we are sure a lot in a small space. But my, we are cute!
 We've been blessed with dear ministers and their helpers and children.
 Teresa's crew, with a little sick chicken.
Tim's crew.  Happy Birthday Sophia!

I'm glad she had this day. She was not feeling well early in the week, so I didn't know how it would go.  It is funny how full these events can be, but still holey.  We missed those that couldn't be there and those who've moved onto another life that is beyond us just now.  But one day. What a glad reunion that will be.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Flora and Fauna at the Zoo

More of Bean's Snaps
This might have been my favorite.

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh every time I see it.  "Yes, can  I help you."

I see you handsome.

Monday, September 17, 2018


I hadn't gotten to the zoo to be up close to some butterflies, so I asked for a zoo outing for my birthday.  It was such a great day.  My grown boys put in another garden bed- woo hoo, while the rest of us headed to the zoo.
I think I might have taken a picture before Bean asked for the camera.  I was glad to have one less thing to keep up with. When I sit down to look at them, it is like getting a fun, unknown package in the mail.  So let's start today with my people, then another day I'll share some non-peopled pictures.

My Mister Smiley was too sick to come. We sure missed his rambunctious littlest self.
Ivonne fell asleep on the way over, but he didn't stay asleep long.

So much to look at.

 Sometimes you have to get on your tippiest wee toes to see the butterfly chrysallis.
 It was too cute, if Pap, Noella or I wondered to far Ivonne would yell, "hod a hand." 

 Bean certainly captures some interesting looks.

 I remember when visiting the zoo with a pack of littles, I packed most everything, so no icee drinks or train rides, etc.  I love that part of being a Gramerly, of sometimes saying, "Yes."   They were all so excited, but even in there excitement where uber polite to the attendant who seemed rather amazed at their manners.

 I love me some butterflies, but my heart is the gorillas. Well, gorillas and this batch of monkeys.

Too many distractions, so I didn't get a picture of the photographer and for some strange reason, there aren't 12 pictures of Bean's feet this time around.  I'll have to be more mindful next time.
I so enjoyed spending the afternoon with them.