Well, it wasn't exactly tied up with strings, but still, packages in the mail are a favorite. I frequent the blog of
Susan Adcox, at About.com Grandparents and have for some time. It is a great resource for fun ideas and just to hear opinions of grandparents from all over. She has a new
grandparenting journal out and sent it me to look at.
Love the cover and love, love that it opens flat for ease in writing with so very many great topics.
Excuse me a minute whilst a haul myself up on my soapbox. If you'd prefer to miss seeing a chubby ol' grandma haul herself up there, look away my friend.
Personally, I'm appalled by what electronics are doing to relationships and traditions. Don't misunderstand. I'm delighted to get funny texts and pictures of that "right now" moment, but there are a lot of moments that happened long ago that are no longer being discussed. How long before they stop building houses with dining rooms and kitchens I wonder. Can I tell you how many kidlets we put in cars at the end of day with the DVD already going, or how many times a handheld device is waiting in the car seat. What ever happened to, "What did you do at school today?"
My children come to me in fifth grade very nearly geographically and historically illiterate. They don't pay any attention to where they are when they travel. There are no conversations overheard at dinner about politics or past family stories. Every single year I am amazed at what children learn about their families from projects I send home that ellicit some conversation. They frequently have no idea that grandad fought in the war, or where their ancestors came from.
When I first flipped through Susan's book, I was ready to grab my pen and start. I realized though, I do have this blog, and though I have not recounted childhood experiences, my grandchildren could learn a lot about be through reading it.
My mom doesn't have a blog. In the summer, when I'm out of school, I'm able to spend more time with her. Some days it's hard to find things to talk about because as her health has been more challenging, her world has grown smaller and smaller and smaller. I'm excited to ask her questions and record her answers. In one section it tells about grades and school work. It always fascinated me that my mom was good with numbers, but could never spell, especially considering I was just the opposite.
In these pages she can share about her wedding to my Dad and whilst this book will reflect many happy memories, it also has places to share the tough times.
Mom is 85 and I feel like now is the best time to start.
What do your children and grandchildren know about your life, your parent's life? Do they understand how certain cliches and traditions developed? Do they know how you came to be in the career you are in? Why your faith is important to you? Don't wait, there won't really be a better time.
Stepping down now.
Thanks Susan!